One Last Smile (A K...
By S0cial_Anx1ety
  • Romance
  • keith
  • keithkogane
  • keithxreader
  • kogane
  • newgirl
  • paladin
  • vld
  • voltron
  • voltronfanfic
  • xreader


-Continued again!- The is a Voltron fanfic about a girl named Y/n. Y/n was captured as a child by the Galra and has been there ever since. By this point, she thinks there's no escape, however that changes when the heroic members of Voltron came to save them... sort of.. they say they were looking for someone, however Y/n couldn't make out who they were looking for. Anyways, when Voltron came Y/n saw an opportunity to escape. She helped the team fight against the Galra and ended becoming a loyal member of the team. -//-//-//- I'm so sorry for not uploading anything on this account.. if any of you were wanting me to. Hit a writers block very early on in my writing and now hate everything I've made. I'm going to attempt this Voltron fanfic (Most likely a Keith x Reader because some people like the same shit I do. [ Also this will be meant for girls.. because that's my gender and I feel it's easier for me to write like that because I understand my gender more. If anyone wants me to make a Male x Reader for Voltron.. I can. Or a Non-Binary, that'll work to.]) Again, sorry for not uploading but I'm trying my best to get back into writing. Also, sorry if this is really bad, I'm not the best writer.

Chapter 1: Rescued

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One Last...
by S0cial_Anx1ety