A Dog Father Cannot...
By tipofthepencil
  • General Fiction
  • add-as-they-come-i-guess
  • bl
  • company
  • cultivation
  • cultivation-au
  • demon-king
  • enemies-to-lovers
  • implied-child-abuse-and-neglect
  • modern-au
  • multiple-worlds
  • offscreen
  • quick-transmigration
  • system
  • tagging-makes-no-sense
  • transmigration
  • uhhh
  • what-even
  • yaoi


Fei Chuan was bound to a system upon death and tasked with raising a [Villain] from small to big in one world, then the next, then the next. Over the hundreds of years, the brutal experiences he was forced to make the [Villain] go through gradually numbed his heart to his own cruelty, turning him into the system's puppet. Until--- --World 49, in which he was run through with a sword by his adopted son, the [Villain], who as he was dying, cried angry tears. Who cried for him, even though the system had made him criticize the [Villain], starve the [Villain], beat the [Villain]... He woke up. There was scum, and then there was Fei Chuan. From now on, if you ask me to die, I'll die. If you ask me to kill, I'll kill. If you want to destroy the world, I'll serve it to you on a platter. I don't need your forgiveness, but know that I'm sorry. World 101-- [Villain]: Dad, it's okay. I don't want the world to disappear anymore. Pairing: 1v1, two assholes tryna have a Healthy Relationship, that sorta thing Disclaimer: Image copyrights go to those who own them

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A Dog Fat...
by tipofthepencil