Balance- The story...
By KyaneKitsune
  • General Fiction
  • fantasy
  • frendship
  • goddesses
  • gods
  • magic
  • present
  • romance
  • war


Magic has existed among the world since the dawn of time. The feud for control over every magical being has always been fought, from the beings themselves to their small pawns, it never ceases. There was only two during the ancient times but with the sudden appearance of humans they began to create deities of their own. The more these deities were worshiped the more they became real. Now there are so many gods in the war that it has become but a pointless feud...but the battle goes on. The war has gone on for billions of years and has reached a place where it has all but stalled. The belief in magic and the gods trying to gain control over it has weakened them. They now rely on their earthly kin to continue this eternal feud. The goddess of Balance, Adrestia had sent her own emissary to the center of the feud known as Earth to find one human to bring balance to the war. Adrestia made it so neither side gained an advantage. The war was quite literally never ending. The one who would be her champion had one flaw and that flaw would throw off the balance and give one side or the other an edge. This is the story of her champion, and the effect she had on the war. This is the story of Serenity Lamb.

Introduction: Serenity Lamb

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by KyaneKitsune