Lord Shaxx x Reader...
By Carlinko
  • Fanfiction
  • cayde6
  • caydexreader
  • destiny
  • destiny2
  • lordshaxx
  • lordshaxxxreader
  • readerinsert
  • videogame
  • xreader


After the Fallen began to unleash hell upon all planets, war broke out. Y/n wasn't a guardian, she didn't belong to any class. She was a stay at home mother with two beautiful children and a handsome husband who was known as a Titan. The war started, her children went missing and her husband slipped into a deep coma thanks to the Hive. Lord Shaxx was a close friend of her husband and he kept a close eye on Y/n as she stayed at the tower until he would wake up. There she also met the Hunter Vanguard, Cayde. He fell deep in love with her after a few days of her company at the tower. Cayde frowned upon the fact that she had to stay by Shaxx's side at all times. He believed that Shaxx had deep feelings for her and that made him burn with fury. Although, he had no idea that it was true.


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Lord Shax...
by Carlinko