After The BadBoy
By JeNeFaisRien
  • Teen Fiction
  • badboy
  • boss
  • boybye
  • goodgirl
  • lovestory
  • redemption
  • weneeddiversebooks


They always tell you the cute origin story, the one filled with romantic gestures and handsome but jaded boys going against all odds to get the girl because she's the one for him. They never tell you what happens after. How even though you're one hundred percent in it, he never truly is. How, while you're blissfully planning up, he's planning his way out and how, no matter how many times he tells you it can never be more, he's "too" messed up for that, that you will always dismiss it because you much rather hear him say "I love you." Man, was he good at saying I love you. I was the wide eyed innocent who believed his every word. Man, was I good at burying my head in the sand. And a year later, after the idiotic bad boy skipped out of my life, all I can say is, "Fu-" Book 1 of the Bad Hearts Series [completed] Book 2: Due To The Bad Girl [completed] Book 3: The Bad Boy vs The Bad Girl [completed] Book 4: The Not So Bad Boy [completed] Book 5: Undercover Bad Girl [completed] Book 6: The Broken Hearted Bad Boy [completed]

Chapter 1: Salads, Greens & Lettuce

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After The...
by JeNeFaisRien