Project Masculinity...
By JVGreek
  • ChickLit
  • boy
  • fun
  • geek
  • guy
  • masculinity
  • nerd
  • project
  • projects


“Like charges repel and unlike charges attract” - Coulomb's law. But it was not surprising in our nature as humans to see the likes of boys hanging out with boys and girls hanging out with girls, attitude was out of the question, when you were a kid, you’d prefer to hang out with someone of the same gender, and there’s a big chance that you’ll bring this idea until you grow up. Unless of course, when we’re talking about love. Jace Langston was not a part of this system. Instead of joining the rightful packs of the male population, he somewhat managed to infiltrate the high ranks of the opposite gender and has seven female best friends to prove it. He’s smart, talented and quite straight if you look from a different perspective, but one day he decided for it to stop. No more questions about his sexuality, no more teasing and joking around about his preferences and most of all, no more questions about his masculinity. Trapped into the responsibility of transforming their best friend into the typical-normal guy nowadays, the seven girl friends came up with a witty and outrageous plan for Jace to be the new Adonis of the century. But the real question is, would he be able to handle it?

Project Masculinity

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Project M...
by JVGreek