The New Girl(The Th...
By walking_dead_lover24
  • Fanfiction
  • alex
  • allison
  • barbe
  • beth
  • billy
  • brian
  • chloe
  • drama
  • dylan
  • hank
  • love
  • max
  • nora
  • pheobe
  • zed


Alexia(Alex) Johnson is the newest girl to move to Hiddenville from Metroburg a superhero city. Alex is not normal because her father was once a supervillain named the Dementor but he turned over a new leaf and became a superhero named Mr. Luck. Her father's real name is Brian and her mother's real name is Beth but she's called Ice Queen as a superhero. Alex has lighting bolts, lightning fingers, fire bolts, fire breath, ice bolts, ice breath and telekinesis. Max got dumped by Allison because Allison is dating Zed who is the popular guy at school and when Max sees Alex for the first time at Hiddenville High School he falls in love with her and they team up to be the best villain duo in the entire world. Max is sixteen in this book, Max's twin sister Pheobe is also sixteen in this book and Alex is sixteen in this book as well.

Johnson House

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The New G...
by walking_dead_lover24