The Key Master
By SpacemanVideos
  • Adventure
  • keymaster


My name is Richard Richmond I was born in the year 4000, but before we get into my story let me tell you what the Key Master is and was supposed to stand for; the Key Master was made a eon ago by my ancestors. When he came in contact with a strange key that controlled the element of fire. They grew a bond and gathered more keys to bring peace to the world. That's what the Key Master is supposed to stand for peace between all nations, for both keys and humans. You see in the 31th century key came to Ciolia, from their world that was dying. They had to find a new place to live; therefore, the Key Master was bound to protect them. Make them feel welcome on this planet. That was until the 52nd Key Master took over, but anyway back to me at the age of eight years old my mother died in a car accident I didn't really know her that well because of that, and my Dad was never really around, my aunt told me he left because he was a terrible person and a terrible father. After my mother's funeral my Aunt Jacqueline and her husband Frederick, who was more like a father than my actual father, took me in and raised me as their own. My aunt couldn't have kids so even though the situation wasn't particularly good I think she was happy to raise a kid. Now that I think about it the first time my powers started to show was when I was my seventeenth birthday I got overly excited one of my presents and shorted out a whole city block for about three hours. I didn't know about the Key Master at that time, but my aunt did a I think that's when she started to realize what I was going to become.

The First Day

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The Key M...
by SpacemanVideos