Cy-Borges Cells
By EricaBehr777
  • Science Fiction


Her hair was bright red, like the boy standing almost protectively over her. Sticking out of her shoulder was a dart of some sort. From the position in which the woman was laying, it seemed like the dart has stunned her, knocking her out. I looked around, noticing for the first time all of the other children, standing over their mothers and fathers. Each adult was lying facedown in the grass, a red dart sticking out of his or her shoulder. I took a deep breath, reminding myself that I wanted to be a doctor. I was eighteen years old. I could do this. I looked back down at the woman in front of me. Deciding not to think about it any longer, I took care of the most obvious problem first and yanked the dart out of her flesh. I tried to carefully turn the woman over so I could inspect her better, but my weak arms failed me, and the woman ended up in a strange pretzel-like position. I situated her so she seemed more comfortable and leaned over her, listening to her breathing. Suddenly I heard the woman gasp. I flew back in surprise, almost knocking over her son. He took half a step back, eyes wide in astonishment. I saw the woman’s hands twitch, then her feet. Abruptly, her eyes snapped open. I screamed, and then took a deep breath, controlling myself. The deep breath didn’t do anything when I looked back at the woman. Her eyes were completely silver, and the place where her pupil should have been opened as if it were a camera shutter, revealing a blood-red pinprick of light. Meet Lauren Goliath: eighteen years old, prospective doctor... And the accidental survivor of a horrible event.

Chapter One

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by EricaBehr777