By EDG1001
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mistreated, abused, tortured, that's her life. a life she didn't wish for this. She was abused by the twins the girl would slap her or kick her because she envy the young silvered hair lady's beauty and the young man would do something more than punching... Until one certain day came. An old woman ask for help at that time she was doing the garden. She stop her doing and help the old lady, she gave her a slice of bread and water to eat. The old lady was mesmerize by the young lady's kindness and beauty she gave something to the young lady. "A token of gratitude my lady. A potion came from Verona from the place where Romeo and Juliet lives and a white dress from the land of sleeping beauty. Use this and you will be free from the burden you wish not to have. You must clean yourself and wear this dress and you can proceed on drinking the small potion. Once again I thank you for your kindness. Good bye for now lady Angelique Serenity Springwaltz III." The lady was taken a back she didn't expect the old lady know her name. But before she could ask the old lady a sudden gush of a wind came her hair covered her face unable to see the old lady. After that wind stop the old lady vanish like a bubble. That night she followed the old lady's instructions as she wear the the white dress fully, she took the the vile and drink it. Her breathing was starting to grow slow, her blood starts to stop pumping.. She was dying... Temporarily....

voiceless: unheard voice

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by EDG1001