The Diary of Mikey...
By Kitten_Fighter
  • Romance
  • iwouldgivemyhearttoyou
  • mikeyphight


Mikey is a boy who is raised upon loving science. He was raised to love it due to his caretaker being a scientist. Mikey wasn't like everyone else, he was he was a creation by his caretaker. He was meant to be the perfect human, but while his caretaker was in the process of making him a chemical had spilled into his heart. Now he can only talk using perioc symbols. This angered the scientist, but he still "loved" his defective creation. Mikey was homeschooled up until his freshman year. At that point in his life he had been exposed to the outside world. He was bullied for the past few months until he met a boy named Logan. Mikey adapted feelings for Logan, but he didn't want to express these new emotions. So he just hid them until something happened....exposing it all......

Day One; August

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The Diary...
by Kitten_Fighter