The Longest Days
By ProudTransBoy16
  • Teen Fiction
  • comingout
  • lgbt
  • romance
  • transgender


This is my first original story.... don't be afraid to comment anything Today is the day for Miles... he finally gets to meet his soulmate.... but there is one problem, HE is still a SHE. Yes, he is transgender and he has to explain that to everyone before metting hos soulmate and explaining it to her as well. But the two meet before he tells EVERYONE, and by that, it means he hasn't told his mom yet, which is the most important thing to do before meeting your soulmate. Will Miles finally tell his mom or will he just hide it from her and just divert her attention away from the facts? Read the story to find out... Enter at your own risk There will be heartbreaks, realizations, angst, and most of all the question of the supportance of his family.

Chapter 1

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The Longe...
by ProudTransBoy16