The Callers
By Echowaves12
  • Fantasy
  • callers
  • corbyn
  • eve
  • fantasy
  • kira


Callers are what we call them, we people are called the Gifted as our village is one of the six villages that have people possess certain powers, It's only a once in a lifetime thing that you'll get called to them. Everybody in the village wants to get in. But me I don't want to leave my family, ever because I can't. It's only me, my younger sister, older brother, and baby sister. My mom and dad died while being with the callers, and I don't want to end up like them. The kids may tease me and call me names but I have a reason why I don't want to be with the Callers. Follow Kira as she lives life in a harsh world where war is everywhere and everyone who is gifted with powers wants to be in the top with the Callers. Kira hides a special power a very special one but she hides because she is scared, scared of the monster she could become is she were used for war.

Chapter one: Called

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The Calle...
by Echowaves12