The Weird Confessio...
By StopDenyingIt
  • Teen Fiction


Jessica 'Notso' Darling has lived with Stella, her foster mom, her older brother and younger sister since she was seven years old. She was in third grade and still trying to get over why her parents just left them and never came home. Then she meets Marcus one day when he saves her from being bullied and have been best friends since. Then, freshmen year Marcus lost his Virginity and along with it, his feelings for Jessica. She feels betrayed and broken all over again. Then her little sister dies of leukemia. Jessica changes. Instead of being weak and fragile, she makes her heart turn to steel and actually stands up for herself. Then when Marcus starts to take interest in her, she decides its payback time and tries to make him feel what she felt. Her only problem? She has no fucking idea how to it. Join Jessica as she takes the road of laughs, sadness, complete fuckery, and revenge.

The Beginning

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The Weird...
by StopDenyingIt