My Sagada Travelogue
By euriona
  • Adventure
  • budgettravel
  • destination
  • inspiration
  • location
  • sagada
  • travelgoals
  • travelogue
  • traveltips
  • vacation


This travelogue was unplanned. I just went to Sagada because it was mentioned in some of the romance novels I read from PHR(Precious Hearts Romances). I got curious about the place. Even my friends don't even know where it is. I remembered that Piolo Pascual and Judy Ann Santos shoot a movie in Sagada before but I was a kid then and the location does not matter to me. Until I learned to read pocketbooks and aside from Tagaytay and Baguio, another most mentioned location was Sagada, and since Baguio and Tagaytay were already in the bucket list of most of the travelers and adventurers, I decided to choose Sagada to be my first travel destination. I decided to make a travelogue about my Sagada trip. I never planned to do this at first. I just realized to create this after I got home from the travel so please bear with the photos. In this travelogue, I will mention some of the facts from one of my all favorite novels from Sonia Francesca and how it triggered me to really try and experience Sagada. Hope this travelogue will give you an overview and sort of advice when you travel to Sagada. =)

The Plan

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My Sagada...
by euriona