The sky above and t...
By CaptainKrank
  • Fantasy


A young girl by the name of June always has her head in the clouds wishing to see the sky world, Airiba. A town surrounded by a sea of clouds above the ground world Artaka. June awaits the legendary sky waterfall so that she may finally reach Airiba a world she has been dreaming of seeing since she was little. Finally arriving after waiting so many years she is devastated by a secret meeting she stumbles across between the sky elders of a war they are planning to rage against her home Artaka. Shooting herself to the ground she begins to warn her people, yet no one believes her. Days later comets fall from the sky the war has begun. What can June and the others do to save the earth? Mother nature comes to aid but only to give June what she seeks the power to stop it or the power to destroy everything.

Artaka the ground world

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The sky a...
by CaptainKrank