Game Set Max
By xXIanTheKingXx
  • Fantasy
  • alien
  • dragon
  • dragonmaster
  • elven
  • enchanter
  • fae
  • fantasy
  • gamemax
  • mage
  • ninja
  • priestess
  • scifi
  • technician


[Read All] When the Invaders of Game Max formed the aliens realized they needed to choose a new handful of people on multiple different planets to be the protectors. Game Max is a game made with alien technology. Basically the game is an alternative world accessed with alien tech and once you put on the bracelet in your real world and then say "Game Set Max" your conscious will be severed from your real body and put into your avatar. Every avatar has the Game Max Gauntlet which anchors your conscious into your avatar. There are about 11 known battle classes. They are: Elven, Ninja, Mage, Dragon Master, Fae, Archer, Technician, Warrior, Psychic, Priest(ess), and Enchanter. Protectors or Invaders? Who will win and who will fade.

*Trigger Warning*

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Game Set...
by xXIanTheKingXx