Heiress Of Valletta...
By tayagrant
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This girl named Alexandra Robarta is a hotel heiress! With her mother being the owner of a long line of hotels all around Malta, an island in the Mediteranian, and her father being the top carpenter in Valletta, she's a wealthy University student, with no cares in the world. And even though her parents are divorced, she's found her place in the world. She is in love with one band. One Direction. And when she meets Harry Styles, her life is changed forever. Or at least, as much as one's life can be until her mother gets a new boyfriend that's up to no good. Alex sees right through his nice and caring outer self, to the evil and dark inside, and with Harry gone on tour, and her mother being practically brainwashed by her boyfriend, Alex feels lost, and deserted. The question is, will her mother ever believe her theories about the strange man, or is it too late for that?

Heiress of Valletta

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Heiress O...
by tayagrant