Woke the F*ck Up
By fernwehbookworm
  • Fanfiction
  • no
  • nopowers
  • powers
  • singer
  • smutwarning
  • supercorp
  • supergirl
  • universe
  • vigilante


"Ahh... Hi." Lena looks up at the blonde woman, expecting a fan that recognized her, she raises an eyebrow. "Umm... all the tables are taken up and the inside is full too. So do you mind if I sit with you? I mean I guess I could just go home but I was kind of looking forward to reading at my favorite Cafe on a beautiful day like today. But I can just go. I should go. Never mind." Lena laughs. "You can sit, as long as you stop talking." That doesn't happen though. They end up deep in conversation for the better part of an hour when Lena's phone rings, its Jess telling her she is late for sound check. "You have to go?" The woman looks disappointed. "Yeah, I do." "Wait!" Lena turns back to the woman suddenly standing and raises an eyebrow. "Can I see you again?" "I won't be here long. I travel a lot." "Well can I have your name at least?" Lena pauses to think then stretches out her hand. "Elena Colby." the woman takes it. "Well, Elena. I'm Kara Danvers. And if I see you again I am going to ask again." Lena smiles at the woman's boldness.


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Woke the...
by fernwehbookworm