Mortem Aeternam (Th...
By marcsmag
  • Science Fiction
  • cryogenics
  • death
  • fiction
  • immortality
  • resurrection
  • sci-fi
  • science


Evelyn Hope is a young girl who wants to do what everyone else does... live. She's diagnosed with cancer and goes to court in the hope that she can be brought back to life in the near future. She gains the right to be cryogenically preserved. This process involves her body being cooled to just above water's freezing point after she dies. She yearns for a second chance at life and she hopes that technology will evolve up to the point where it is possible to bring her back from the dead. The notorious Dr. Ettinger is responsible for bringing Evelyn back 100 years after her death, however, all isn't as it seems. The uncertainty of her self-identity after she's resurrected may implicate one of the many defects of resurrection and immortality.

August 28th, 2116 - 23:04

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Mortem Ae...
by marcsmag