Untitled Me
By AllyRoses
  • Romance
  • drama


After Mikaela Camila Maria Ventura's troubled and traumitic childhood in Austin, she moves back to her moms hometown. Here she hopes to find some rest and a job to pay for her dads lawyer. Mikaela finds a whole new life here, something she didn't know she could ever have. Here she bonds with her grandparents and can forget about her demons. Never did she tell someone her story, simply because everyone already knew. At her work in the bar she meets her colleague, Jesse Carter. This guy makes her feel things she doesn't wanna feel. Also he gives her a whole new perspective in life. He is just something else to her. With her new friends and a great bond with all her family she can finally have some kind of peace. Years will pass and she finds herself in a new place. She is a mom and lives in Austin with her grandmother. Yet again, she and Jesse find eachother. There is a lot to do, but their connection will break through everything. She might finally be happy.


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by AllyRoses