Hidden Away [Mafios...
By StationaryObsession
  • General Fiction
  • alone
  • alter
  • beaches
  • beauty
  • bodygauard
  • care
  • death
  • honeynoon
  • life
  • love
  • mafia
  • marriage
  • mature
  • possessive
  • princess
  • rebound
  • relationship-complicated
  • secrets
  • shooting


Serafina Marie Regnante led the perfect life. Gorgeous looks, beautiful personality, charistamic charm, loving parents, protective brothers, with her dream job and her own house, and not to forget the best fiancé anyone could possibly ask for. Her life was flawless: serene, secure, happy, meticulous, and beautiful. That is, until an untold secret leads to the death of those dearest to her, and causes her perfect world to come crashing down. In a place where peace and safety become foreign, where can she find the tranquility she most desires in a world of chaos? In her bodyguard, of course. A man whose sole purpose is her protection. Not only from the enemies out to get her, but from the destruction inside her as well. But both of them knew to keep their feelings hidden away, because she was the modern form of royalty, and he nothing more than a servant to the princess. Can the two keep it professional, or do their hands slip and their lips wander? --- "You're my favourite," I found myself admitting as the cool breeze gently caressed our faces, tucking my hair behind me. "Favorite what?" He asked in confusion, tilting his head to look at me. "Oh well..." I stammered. "Well, just that. My favorite pair of eyes to look into. My favorite name to see on my phone. My favorite way to spend the afternoon. Fill in the blanks, cupcake... I left it at favorite for a reason." I teased with a grin, watching his expression turned thoughtful. "You're my favorite, too." (The rest of the story can be found on the link provided on my profile)

Chapter I: New School.

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Hidden Aw...
by StationaryObsession