Armand Ptolemy and...
By MarkJeffrey
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • adventure
  • conspiracy


This is a sampler of the full book ARMAND PTOLEMY AND THE GOLDEN ALEPH. More info and links to the full book can be found here: When Armand Ptolemy is called to investigate strange tremors plaguing an old wing of the New York public library, he finds himself enmeshed in a series of events that began in 1912. Yet Ptolemy himself is rumored to be from the past -- and the world's Elite lust after the secret of how he seemingly jumped forward over one hundred years in time. Most keenly interested in this secret is Octavio Veerspike, head of the Veerspike banking dynasty. When the Commission -- a secret society of the world's most powerful people -- suddenly call a conclave in the tropics, Ptolemy has to figure out what they're up to, and fast. But the Elites have other ideas. Putting into a motion the capstone of a hundred-years old plan, the Commission wants Ptolemy out of the way. And with the Golden Aleph giving them very potent powers of prediction, they just may succeed ... Mark Jeffrey (@markjeffrey on Twitter) is also the author of the best-selling young adult novel MAX QUICK: THE POCKET AND THE PENDANT (HarperCollins, 2011) which received over 2.6 million downloads as a podcast audiobook.

One: The Geomancer

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Armand Pt...
by MarkJeffrey