Know You Better
By guessitright
  • Teen Fiction
  • bestfriend
  • crime
  • enemies
  • haunted
  • murder
  • mystery
  • orphan


"I know you better than you're aware of." I frowned, "What do you mean?" ---------- So maybe I despised him then. But he did kind of save my life, which in turn I have a lot of gratitude for, but that doesn't mean I have to like him or have this event initiate that feeling. But maybe just maybe I'm starting to. - - - - I was attracted to him the moment we exchanged words, heck, I was attracted to him the first time I laid my eyes on him. But then I find out that he's involved in something that might just end my life. - - - - - My parents, they were everything a child could've asked for- loving, caring, fun. I love them, they loved me. Even as a young child, I knew life was not perfect. Unfair. My parent's died and I was left as an orphan, it's hard but I can manage. The police ruled it out as an accident- but no, it's something else- murder. Now the killer's still out there and that person is coming for me.

Know You Better

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Know You...
by guessitright