The Prestigious Pri...
By RealityFanReading
  • Fanfiction
  • aseriesofunfortunateevents
  • asoue
  • disguise
  • jacquessnicket
  • lemonysnicket
  • mystery
  • oneshot
  • snicket
  • thevilevillage


Dear Reader, If you are interested in a happy story about a noble volunteer escaping from his captors and finally sending a notorious Count to prison, then I'm afraid you have made a wrong turn and will need to go back as soon as possible to avoid any further inconvenience. With my newly uncovered research, I have managed to piece together a new section of the Baudelaire case--though it doesn't have anything to do with the three children themselves, it has everything to do with the man who cast an enormous, fire-starting shadow over their lives, and the unfortunate capture of a prestigious volunteer. This takes place in the middle of book the seventh, The Vile Village. If I were you, however, I would avoid reading that book, and the books before it, and the books after it, effectively saving myself from thirteen volumes of utter despair. With all due respect, Lemony Snicket.

The Prestigious Prisoner

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The Prest...
by RealityFanReading