The Curse
By Nerdynay
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • evildad
  • lies
  • mysteriousboys
  • romance
  • secrets
  • suspension
  • thriller
  • werewolf


The cool night air rushed past me as I ran out of the deserted amusement park. I ran across the street from my favorite ride: the Millennium so I was a little bit in a state of thrill as I continued to sprint as fast as my sprinters legs would allow me to go. I had no clue why I was running, I only knew that no matter what I couldn't stop until I had found the one person who could keep me safe until I figured out all this craziness that I called my life. My name is Jelena Howard and I come from a family that's been cursed with being part wolf. Find out who the mystery person is and why this is a great read.

The Curse

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The Curse
by Nerdynay