By DawnabcBatonbonker
  • Romance
  • abandonment
  • art
  • coping
  • drugs
  • learning
  • life
  • living
  • love
  • teachers
  • wattpadprize14
  • wattys2014


❝ "I've lost everything to drugs, do you know that?" Meenakshi told him with tears in her eyes. "The funny thing is I've never even touched a drug in my life and yet it destroyed me. It took everything." She turned to face him then. "Please, don't let it take you away from me. I won't be able to handle it, not this time, not again." ❞ At first glance one would assume that the pale skinned, green eyed Meenakshi Rao came with all those typical traits one would expect an Indian to come with. Content with life, her job and her social life that involved but one best friend, she lives life predictably, exactly the way she wants it. Nothing unexpected happened to her, not when she walked with her guard up, not until the day she lays eyes on the boy sitting on the wet, rainy streets of Glasgow. From the second Zach Carter met her; the missing puzzle piece fell into place on its own. An occasional meth user, he doesn’t care for friends or a life outside the colours of his choice, settled in Glasgow for his art and nothing more. Or so he says. Nothing had ever mattered more than putting brush to canvas and his own selfish need for inspiration... nothing, other than the newly discovered cute foreigner who lived next door. Falling for Zach had been easy enough for Meenakshi as she accepts his demons, his addiction, all the while making silent promises to help the boy, to do things right this time around, even if it is the last thing she does.

Author's Note

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by DawnabcBatonbonker