29 Minutes
By raymac_eric
  • Science Fiction
  • 29minutes
  • commoners
  • controllers
  • neos
  • science
  • scifi


It's the year 2056... but nobody cares about the dates anymore. Not since the Neocallers came to invade. It's been fifteen years since they were destroyed and the New World was made. But most people think the machines haven't left, just found a way to rule man using puppets... I don't... if.... is... ...... ...... Sorry about that. My recorder is a bit faulty. OK, fine its crap. But I built it, like everything in our home. Where was I? Oh yes. Puppets. These Puppets are actually the reason I'm recording this. Their Expansion Decree, along with other decrees, are going to wreck my life. I'll explain about it later in the recording for anyone who listens to this and doesn't know what I'm talking about. Point is, I need to save my family. That's why I'm recording this. If my tech works, we will be together forever. Sadly, it needs time to charge... I know, buzzkill. It should... ready... work... 29... * * * END OF TRANSMISSION*** ***************** I've had most things in my life going right for me. Many have gone wrong, but I've learned to suck it up and live with it. Being a girl in the Middle Division is hard and no one knows that better than me. My life is about to be ruined and I do not know how to stop it. I think about running away but everywhere on this earth has the same rules as here. Except the Commoners' world. Will I trade my freedom for poverty? Or should i just marry the Governor's son like I'm supposed to? No. I am not going to be reduced to the life of slavery like everyone else here. Eating garbage is better than eating a five course meal while chained to the table. Besides, how hard could it be really? ********************************************** 29 Minutes is a novel based on the post apocalyptic world of Earth several years after an invasion by an alien species called Neocallers. The story is based on the lives of two teenagers, each with a different goal, but a common destiny that they must archive within the time they have together.

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29 Minutes
by raymac_eric