Shards of darkness...
By 09seldenl
  • Fantasy
  • animals
  • army
  • body
  • conflict
  • conscience
  • darkness
  • death
  • earth
  • evil
  • fantasy
  • fear
  • fighting
  • future
  • global
  • good
  • horror
  • london
  • magic
  • memories
  • mind
  • monster
  • new
  • pity
  • portal
  • rage
  • reflection
  • rot
  • stars
  • strange
  • talking
  • tension
  • time
  • war
  • warming
  • wrong


A terrible war is raging, the conclusion of which could decipher the future of the universe... Three planets. Parallel yet all intricately bound by the threads of reality. They have spun for all of time, in separate orbits in different galaxies. Un beknown to one another…. Until now. The Fabrics of the universe are fraying as the different dimensions rub together. Where they touch, catastrophes are unveiled in a series of events that change the concept of reality forever... Earth is afflicted. What’s not dead is dying. Lost to pollution from a thousand years of greed. For Ana, a young beggar woman, her life is always only a stones throw away from ending. She has a powerful gift of mind sight but will it be enough to slow the pursuit of murder, and starvation? And all the time, her mysterious past shadows her footsteps. Waiting to catch her… Meanwhile Doran, a being bound to the rotting carcase of a dead girl finds herself rescued by the very people who strove to destroy her. With them she finds sanctuary but it is only a matter of time before destiny catches up with her... And all the while he is watching he is waiting and he laughs. Laughs on. He will destroy the universe all the while believing he is its savoir. This is a war none will win but fight they must, until reality is no more… (Before long, Ana is snatched from her own planet to be plunged into a world frozen in time, where pirates steal from all the universe, prehistoric monsters dwell in freezing oceans and a powerful psychic force binds her to a cave to languish in fear. The world has become stronger, harder, callous. Misery lingers in every corner but soon it will have nowhere to hide. Every thing shall burn. And he will laugh…)

He looked to the stars...and the stars looked back! >Lara Selden

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Shards of...
by 09seldenl