Regina Delle Rose {...
By tanniaacostaa
  • Teen Fiction
  • baby
  • death
  • fears
  • italian
  • italianmafia
  • italy
  • love
  • mexicanmafia
  • missing
  • newyork
  • pregnant
  • scared
  • teens
  • wattys2019


Santana Rose grew up suffering. She was abused, mentally and physically. She forgot what love is. She doesn't remember what family is. She was taken from hers when she was only three. She went from Santana Rose to Emielia Sanchez. She has always been scared about doing or saying the wrong thing. Who could blame her? She always felt alone and terrified to stand up anyone, let alone the family who adopted her. She was always so scared until Alexander King came along. They were best friends until then developed into something more. The only problem: she's with someone else who would kill her if he found out about them. That someone else is the dangerous son of her biological family's past. How much will he affect her future?


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Regina De...
by tanniaacostaa