The Mad Queen
By Clog-bot
  • Fantasy
  • battle
  • centaurs
  • creatures
  • epicfantasy
  • fae
  • fantasy
  • gods
  • highfantasy
  • magic
  • mermaid
  • newadult
  • power
  • queen
  • romance
  • royalty
  • rule
  • siren
  • sisters
  • texttospeech
  • trial
  • war
  • wolves


A woman cannot rule the Kingdom of Vivelle. If a king should only have daughters, then the princesses are to participate in a Queens Trial. A series of tests to see who is most worthy of becoming the Queen Victorious. The Winning daughter will marry a suitor of the king's choosing. Once married, her husband will become king. The losing queens will be sacrificed back to the people as punishment for their ancestor's crimes. Or more specifically, the crimes of the Mad Queen. ... Princess Illyana is the eldest of the king's five daughters. In a few days time, the Queens Trial will begin and there are only two possible outcomes. The first is she will fail and get sacrificed. The second is she will win and be forcibly wed to a cruel man and live the rest of her life knowing she is alive because her sisters are dead. Illyana wants more. She wants to rule the Kingdom of Vivelle with her sisters by her side. She only has a few days left to come up with a plan before the Trial begins. With the whole kingdom watching eagerly to see which daughter wins, it is going to be almost impossible for Illyana to change the minds of a nation so that she can sit on the throne. Warning! Rated Mature as there will be violence, gore and themes of a sexual nature. Lots of parts, but not long chapters. :)

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The Mad Q...
by Clog-bot