BFB Insanity
By thecourageousbomb
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  • bfb
  • bfbinsanity
  • inanimateinsaniry
  • objectoverload
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[If you already know the rules of object shows, you can skip this.] 127 contestants compete in teams to win: Two dream islands, and, two million dollars. Every episode will have a challenge, the losing team will be up for elimination, obviously. You can vote in the comments to show who you want to leave the game, the contestant with the most votes, will obviously be eliminated. For every 10 episodes, there will be a person rejoining the show, you can vote for who you want to come back in the comments, The eliminated contestants with the most votes will rejoin the game. There are also token for the contestants, here are what they're for: Win token- subtract half the votes. Immunity token or ticket- Automatically makes you safe . Revenge token- Give half the votes to the person you chosse.

BFB: Insanity's Overload 1: Keep your change!

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BFB Insan...
by thecourageousbomb