Roses are Red
By austrairwin
  • Mystery / Thriller


Alys Derosan isolated herself from the other teens trapped in Elvolle, convinced that she didn’t belong in a troubled youth center. She spent most nights perched on the rooftop of a small building near her ward, close to the stars and far from her messy life. Out of the few people she spoke to, Leighton was the closest thing Alys had to a friend. Leighton also distanced herself from the others and didn’t recieve any of the ‘help’ Elvolle attempted to offer. Elvolle was supposed to lift the spirits of suffering teens, but, in reality, it did nothing of the sort. To Alys, Elvolle wasn’t just a failed attempt to save teens, but rather an alternative to juvie. Although she never actually hurt anyone, the police had more than enough evidence to convict Alys for attempted murder. So, well Elvolle wasn’t ideal, it had to be better than going to juvie. Although Alys’s parents agreed that she needed to be admitted at Elvolle when she was 14, she was still stuck there three years later. But Alys knew she wasn’t crazy. She was right—she didn’t try to kill anyone—and she was determined to prove it. But the secrets of the police’s investigation and their suspection with Alys go way farther than a youth center outside of town, and Ayls finds out that she might have gotten herself into a mess way bigger than she originally thought. cover © ocean-avenue

Roses are Red

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Roses are...
by austrairwin