A Soldier's Lo...
By RedCherry25
  • Romance
  • romance
  • soldier


Henry had put his life on the line to keep his country safe. War had almost taken that away from him. A pain filled life had become Henry's norm after he was honorably discharged from the Army following being wounded in the line of duty. The only place Henry could think of going was to work in his aunt and uncle's bakery in Honor, Kansas; a small town where patriotism and veterans were held in high esteem. Henry hoped to get back to a normal life, but his life was going to be anything but normal when he runs into the girl who had broken his heart ten years before ends up working for his aunt and uncle. Can Henry regain the love of his life or will outside forces try to keep them apart? I found this picture at https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=2CP%2biyZw&id=0182B1B3BFA0DE6EF26C381CAAE07B24EB244ADC&thid=OIP.2CP-iyZwmNAlzoWAxqAQ_wHaFj&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.lawyersgunsmoneyblog.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2012%2f08%2famerican-flag-2a.jpg&exph=480&expw=640&q=american+flag&simid=608025169311369381&selectedIndex=0&qft=+filterui%3alicense-L2_L3&ajaxhist=0.

Chapter 1

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A Soldier...
by RedCherry25