How the blue paladi...
By MariahHoltzberger
  • Fanfiction
  • drama
  • fpreg
  • mpreg
  • possibledeath
  • romance


So the paladins of voltron have been fight the glara and things are still hard even after the finally battle with emperor zarkon where he was defent but this story take a twited because shiro didn't disappear this was only because of the women that he loved who was also a blade of marmora member who had maigc too.And she knew what would happen in the finally battel with emperor zarkon so she used her magic to save the paladins from losing shiro.But using such a powerful magic comes at a costed not ones life this would mean that everyone would morn her lose even princess allura,coran and keith.Keith thinkings that shannon is still alive also he really like lance alot so as keith may decide to go with the blade of marmora.This because he is scared that lance will not feel the same for him this also would give him the chanes to try to find shannon too. I don't own any of voltron legendary defender characters also don't like it then don't read it!!!!!!! Also I do not own the attack on titan name I used this fanfictions too.

Chapter One The last words that Were said to the red paladin

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How the b...
by MariahHoltzberger