Deadly Love
By AvrilLavigne248
  • Romance
  • abusivecontent
  • afterdeath
  • cerberus
  • danny
  • death
  • family
  • fantasy
  • goddess
  • gods
  • hades
  • jason
  • mature
  • murder
  • muse
  • music
  • mythology
  • revenge
  • romance
  • teenfiction
  • vote


We all know the story. Boy meets girl and they fall in love. But this, this is the story of Danny, a girl who believes that story. Well until she died. She was murdered. You have one guess by who. If you guessed her boyfriend, you are correct. He killed her after prom. Now, let's meet the devil. His name is Hades. He is the god who kidnapped a girl for love. That is till she ran off will his best friend, Death. When Danny arrives in the underworld, Hades knows that they are mates. This is NOT the story where the girl falls in love with the boy. This is the story of the girl who fell in love with the devil himself and became his queen. Read if you dare😈 (can py this story and Hades will feed you to Cerberus)

The cast

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Deadly Lo...
by AvrilLavigne248