Occult Desires *smu...
By culturewars
  • Romance
  • conflict
  • passion
  • psychoanalysis
  • romance
  • shortstory
  • smutwarning


Dark eyes, dark hair, dark pants, dark walls and dark heartz. Every thing was dark around us. It waz nø lønger Ben whom waz stadin there, it was Kylo !!!11! He waz just stadin there, with thoze high-waisted black pants n scarred face. His dark long locks where falling before his eyes givin him a dark aura. Even if i couldnt see his eye, i could still feel his burning gaze on mine... 4 a second i felt like i couldnt move, it was as if someone was using the Force to stop me from movin!!. when i saw his hand streched out towards me i thought he was the one preventing me from movin. but then i noticed that his hand was layed out in a gentle anfd inviting gesture, not in a "IM GONG TO MURDER U" manner. I then realized that this feelin of paralysation was coming from me. It was maybe coming the depts of my being, in thhe darkest corners of my heart. My deepest most unspoken desires. I had to sthop denyin it to myself. Denying that i WANTED Kylo Ren.

occult desires short story

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Occult De...
by culturewars