Nier Automata: Huma...
By rg808guy
  • Fanfiction
  • 2b
  • a2
  • action
  • automata
  • harem
  • insert
  • malereader
  • nier
  • romance
  • xmalereader
  • xreader


Note: This is a girls of Nier Automata x male reader Description/Summery (Y/n) (L/n) is a Human with a microcomputer that was implanted inside his head in the latest years before humanity went extinct. The microcomputer gives him more strength then an average human could ever have and has the speed of a Olympic athlete on land and in water. Also it increased his brains own prossecing speed and sensory. Even with all of that and some unknown things there is one thing that the scientist that did this to him would of never was that he could live forever, not in essence of that he was immortal. He life it's self expands on forever until he ever gets killed by someone or something, he can't die from anything natural. Even with all of the known and unknown abilities (Y/n) has, he didn't have anything to help him with loneliness after the rest of mankind went extinct, until one fateful day thousands of years after mankind went extinct. I do not own Nier Automata or any pictures I use. only the story.

Me, Myself, and I

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Nier Auto...
by rg808guy