It Started With His...
By flower1327
  • Teen Fiction
  • badboy
  • conner
  • itswhd
  • love
  • stella
  • teenagers


(COMING SOON) He was bad. He broke the laws. He drove too fast for his own good. He didn't care because no one taught him how to. but when it came to her. He wanted to became the best man, he couldn't bare the thought of her being hurt by him...or anyone else. He would kill to protect her, the girl who cared about someone as worthless as him in all of her perfection. --- Stephanie Zcoat, didn't know how to love. she also didn't cared. Being the daughter of the famous bad boy, showed her that she could be bad too but one thing will lead to another as she teaches him how to care about the smallest thing in the world. If only he can understand that small things do matter. --- This is another series to the bad boy series, but this time, its about Stella's and Conner's daughter, who is at the age of 18, also from Canada, who goes on a trill of amazing and also a bad times in life.


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It Starte...
by flower1327