A Girl Named Sweetie
By kidswithknives
  • Teen Fiction
  • bad
  • badboy
  • cliche
  • good
  • goodgirl
  • love
  • mine
  • nicegirl
  • possessive
  • relationship
  • romance
  • teen


Her name is Sweetie - yes, that's her given name - and it makes perfect sense. With a name like that, it'd be impossible not to love ice cream, smiles, and the color yellow. She is the good girl... but she wants to be more. Jake's face is permanently set in a scowl, and that's not even the most intimidating thing about him. He learned how to throw a punch before he learned how to ride a bike. He is the bad boy. He wants to be more. When a failed attempt at running ends with the good girl in the bad boy's arms, worlds will collide in the most incredible way - but is the fallout bitter, or is it sweet? ••• . • . TRIGGER WARNING . • . Alcoholism Divorce/separation Mentions of abuse Parental death Strong language ••• SIGN BLM PETITIONS HERE: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-Zp8Om6X_qvSNOrlG1j79r_sIcdSihAZ1JgtE3094Jw/mobilebasic

1. The Meeting

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A Girl Na...
by kidswithknives