Her Secret, His Sin...
By TaintedF45hi0n
  • Romance
  • abuser
  • abusive
  • abusive-boyfriend
  • abusivefiance
  • boyfriend
  • fiance
  • mystery
  • possessive
  • shortstory
  • victim


I am currently rewriting this book, changing some story plots, and character names. This is a personal choice due to me not feeling that I put 100% of myself into this book. Now that I've replaced my computer, and got out of my writer's block this will really help me in making sure the rewritten version is so much better than this version! 20 Year Old Alessa Aurora Centofani has been abused by her Fiance since she was eighteen, she was the sweetest girl anyone could ask for, she forgave her fianceè Alec really easily solely because of her love for him. 22 Year Old Seth Ryke McConners was Lance Centofani's best friend. He always had a crush on Lance's sister since he was a young boy. How does he react when he comes home from the marines finding out his childhood crush is getting married, not only just getting married, but is marrying her abuser? How does he react when he finds out she's with him willingly? Will he be able to stop her from allowing herself to be hurt any longer? Or will it just be too late. ...only time will tell. Read on to find out more. -TaintedF45hi0n.

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Her Secre...
by TaintedF45hi0n