I hate that i love...
By elizabeth_gerald
  • Romance


Olivia Thompson was the daughter Of Blake Thompson. Internationally World Known Agent. Her mother died of cancer recently making her and her father move around a lot. Things were difficult back in their old town, everything reminded her of her mother. So moving was the constant choice. She was enrolled in so many schools, Had to make new friends, and even had a boyfriend for awhile. But with every move everything changed. She would have to start all over again. But Olivia was getting tired of it and wanted to settle down for once so her father found an apartment near Manhattan, New York where conveniently he found work as we'll. Everything was going great finally, she lived in a beautiful city, was enrolled in a well educated school and made new friends. Life couldn't be more perfect. Until Jake. Jake was the son of Elizabeth Satchel another Internationally World Known Agent. His father left them when he was 2 for another woman. After that experience Jake and his mother moved away to Manhattan, New York. Living the busy good life he never really cared anymore, He partied till late in the mornings, was failing many classes and dated too many girls. Until Olivia. But what happens when Both of Olivia's and Jakes parents end up working on a secret mission together in Europe and end up leaving for 2 months, none less the fact that they have to stay together some of Olivia's Dads arch nemesis pays a visit to the U.S


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I hate th...
by elizabeth_gerald