A Journey of Apocal...
By quokkaquokka
  • Adventure


Max is trouble. With a lucky softball bat and an unshakable since of invincibility, she is one cocky decision away from getting nixed in this zombie-overrun world. She also just so happens to be hellbent on getting across the country and away from the shaky confinements of her New York quarantine, and will do whatever it takes to do so. Sohi is dragged in by association. As Max's partner-in-crime, he is automatically signed up for their road trip from hell. His only break in it all is getting to bring along the pretty redhead from Georgia and hope sparks fly among the devastation of an apocalyptic world. Tony is pissed. With the annoying, parrot-like Max never leaving him alone, he doesn't know how to even think on his own. But the ever-present urge to just get out has finally pushed him off his nerdy little edge and into a world of danger, survival, and...Max. Jess is naive. As a genius who just so happens to be one of the prettiest girls still alive, she has always lived life with ease and luxury. In the midst of a search for her parents, a trip across the country seems like the best thing to do. After all, what could go wrong?


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A Journey...
by quokkaquokka