Basiliskos Idryma
By wasteland-muses
  • Fantasy
  • fantasy
  • mystery
  • thriller


[Book 1 : Vol. 1] - 𝘖𝘕-𝘎𝘖𝘐𝘕𝘎 There was always that one child in the family who deemed as the sacrificial lamb, and in Belladonnaʼs family, it was her. She would be the one to sacrifice for the greater good, and as the eldest child, it was not always unbeknownst to her that she would soon have to sacrifice for her family. It just never occurred to her that it would be to the extent of being sold like an animal to a human trafficking syndicate, who, in exchange, sold her to another organisation as a subject to their experimentation. Belladonna, in her helplessness, was found by a person who introduced himself as the Godfather. He assured her that she would be granted the justice, freedom, and protection she sought. In exchange, she will pledge allegiance to him and become a member of Basilisk. However, she must first complete the quest delivered to her by her Xenois一that is to solve the controversial death of a dweller from House of Corvus.

Basiliskos Idryma

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by wasteland-muses