By Doggone96
  • Horror
  • drama
  • eclectism
  • fantasy
  • horror
  • retropresent
  • vampires


Business prospects are in high demand as the young and beautiful aspiring painter and author Ella Redding is determined to make her mark on the world. Months go by, and she's barely made the progress she needs to fix her family's destitute position, and in turn further her growing business. Just as she begins to feel hopeless, she gets a word from a shadowy, yet quite reliable source that a wealthy man that goes by the surname only of Mr. Snowdon, will be seen at a famous art show for up-and-coming artists, and that if she were to show her work there, he might take an interest in it, and buy all of her pieces. Leaping at the opportunity, and with her Aunt's care, caution and good wishes, she submits her work and visits the art show in London. Mr. Snowdon doesn't meet her in person, but instead sends his representative to meet and greet her, apologizing on Snowdon's behalf, and continuing to say that Snowdon has bought her pieces, and that he would like to hire to draw some pieces for his home and other buildings, and in effect work with her as a business associate. Ella sees this as a great chance to spread her wings and gain independence as a young woman, and make an income for her less than thriving kin, but what of this Snowdon character? No one knows much of his background, save that he came from a rich family background because he's very wealthy, but there's rumors floating round the misty alleys that Snowdon has no roots or history. Some say he has a blurred background for good reason, and that if you're smart, you'd keep it that way. Is Ella getting in over her head?

Chapter 1

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by Doggone96