By CrazySpooderMonster
  • Short Story
  • escape
  • lab
  • powers
  • superpowers


If you doubt your writing skills, read this book. It'll make you feel better, trust me. I wrote this when I was in sixth grade, and now I can't even get through the first chapter without cringing. Okay, here we go: ------------- Before I tell you my story, I have something to tell you. My twin sister, Fern, and I, we are special. Not the kind of special like we are the best at an instrument or we know more facts about something than anyone else. We are so special that our connection is something that only happens every million years. we also inherited something random from our adopted mom that makes us SUPER special. To find another of us would take over a hundred-million years. You have to promise to not tell anyone though. If you do, scientists will come for us by the thousands. We would be put on public display where millions would flock around to get a mere glimpse of us and what makes us special. Scientists and genetic experts on many grounds would put us in cages. They would come and force us to be part of painful, tiring experiments. This already happened once, we don't want it to happen again. If you promise not to tell anyone, I'll tell you. Fern and I have the ability to communicate with each other and other telepathic people without moving our mouths over long distances. And... We have fire and ice powers.

Chapter One: Introductions

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by CrazySpooderMonster