where the wind blow...
By elephantabulitious
  • Science Fiction
  • backwards
  • death
  • drama
  • future
  • phantom


This play follows the life of a boy, a misunderstood genius who stumbles upon the answer. His relationship with the older characters highlights a generational gap by outlining the different reactions the characters have to the same core events. As the play unfolds, the events coalesce to give a clear picture of a world in the throes of a World War. Set in Australia in 2038, with humanity engaged in a World War: "The Phantom War". In an age where information is currency, no one knows who they are fighting. Unexplained deaths and disappearances are common place in every corner of the world. The authorities are baffled and at a loss. The aggressors appear and disappear at will. The boy's character develops as he attempts to persuade those around him of his discovery, at the same time grappling to understand the broader ramifications himself. The play, essentially a dystopian text, will test your memory, fire your imagination and give you pause to reflect.


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where the...
by elephantabulitious