The Youth of the Re...
By IrmaGerd
  • Adventure
  • cthulhu
  • love
  • original
  • runaway
  • war


It was a cold night, the rain hitting the glass of the window on the second floor of a certain house in Lon-don, England. There was a man seated at a desk that was against the wall opposite the door to enter or exit the room. He stared at the book in front of him, pon-dering about the owner. He sighed as the door opened, letting a bright light enter the room. At the door stood a woman around that man's age, "Mr. Williams, your son has found out." She said, her voice smooth and calm yet strong. The man closed the book and turned around to look at her with icy blue eyes, "Good. Don't let that boy stay in the dark while I'm gone." He walked towards her and she took a step back, "But, he's only 5." "Then? I will not allow him to live a life of lies. Do I make myself clear, Mrs. De Lorne?" The woman nodded and left. Mr. Williams, however, went back to the desk and opened the book again, "One day, son. One day, you'll understand." He put the book on a book shelf and went to his bed-room. He turned off the lights and shuffled under the covers with his wife. He knew that if he wanted his son to grow up in a safe place, he would have to take charge. No matter what the cost.

Chapter 1

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The Youth...
by IrmaGerd