Lucy Vermillion ( N...
By PotatosAreTheBest
  • Fanfiction
  • drama
  • lucyvermillion
  • mavisvermillion
  • nalu
  • natsudragneel
  • newpower
  • ww11-world-war-2


What if Lucy and Mavis kept a secret from everyone? What if Lucy and Mavis were blood related? What magic would Lucy have? Why would they keep it a secret? Is Layla Heartfilia Lucy's real mom, Is Jude Heartfilia Lucy's real father? Does Lucy even know this? How will the guild react? Will they accept the real Lucy Heartfilia....or should I say Lucy Vermillion? The Magic world is beginning to go into war....between mortals, immortals, mages, humans, devils, angels, and secret hidden dragons. Only because one of the race's wants to gain dominance over the world. What will happen to the guilds? What will happen to the children? We certainly cannot save them all!.......Or can we? "WE NEED ALLIES, WE NEED PROTECTORS, WE NEED MAIN FIGHTERS....." is there enough time to train for the battles, OF COURSE NOT!!! "MAVIS WE NEED YOU MORE THAN EVER, PLEASE HELP US WITH THIS PLAN" Mavis does help, she plans a perfect plan....but something happens to Lucy and everything goes south..or does it go north?...Mavis and Lucy didn't expect for this to happen now, they thought Lucy had more time!...Guess not. Lucy-Obsequious-Sacrosanct-Subtle = LOSS. Obsequious- does exactly as told. Sacrosanct- to important or valuable to mess with. (in this case to strong to mess with). Subtle- delicate or precise also very difficult to analyze or describe (delicate, but an extremely powerful mage). Natsu-Etherious-Dragneel (I don't have to explain this right?)

KEYS, SKY?!..1

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Lucy Verm...
by PotatosAreTheBest