By MoustacheisCool
  • Fanfiction
  • begbie
  • depression
  • drugabuse
  • renton
  • sickboy
  • spud
  • tommy
  • transpotting
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Boredom. I loathe it really and it loath me so we're even right? The answer is a big fucking no. The worst thing that comes with the depression is how bored you get. Nothing's funny anymore, nothing's of interest. You simply become an empty fucking shell. And everyone secretly despises you. Why is that would you ask me ? That's pretty simple, the hole that's tearing you from the inside is invisible, therefore your illness, your pain is not valid to the commoners. To anyone really. Depression is the newest evil on the 20th Century, it is the weakest who suffer from it. I guess I have never been the strongest element there is. When you begin to think that there's no point, why not get on the path of self-destruction ? After one failed suicide attempt and a history of drug abuse, I decided that it maybe was time for a change of environment. I thought I was fucked up. It was until I met these fuckers. Moving to Edinburgh was the brightest idea after all. We're all doomed is what I think. I don't want to choose life, life's a bitch and then you die.

Chapter 1: In My Head

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by MoustacheisCool